Bond Portfolio Immunization Length Method
Yeti Widayanti
Faculty of Economics Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
1. Preliminary
Investment can be interpreted simply as consumption temporarily postponed and will be in greater consumption in the future (Manurung, 2003: xvii). Investment can be done through various media investments such as money market, pasarmodal, mutual fund companies and other investment firms. Investment in capital markets have started to be known and understood Indonesian society in recent years and become an alternative investment option. Investing in bonds is an alternative investment made through the capital market.
Bonds (Hanafi, 2005:469). An instrument of debt incurred by the company and sold to investors. While Astuti and Prasetyo (2002: 123) defines a bond as a permanent trading of debt securities traded by the public, publishing agreed to pay a fixed interest rate for a certain period and will repay the total principal amount at maturity.
Research through bonds, particularly regarding the duration of measurement to form bonds immune (immune) against interest rate in Indonesia is still jarng done. Therefore the writer did penelitiaan about the use of the duration of corporate bonds to form a permanent berkupon immune (immune) against interest rate in Indonesia.
2. Literature Review
The concepts used in this study consisted of the duration of the bonds and portfolio immunization. Federick Macaulay (Rose, 2000) suggests that duration is the weighted average maturity of cash flows promised by the bond. Immunisation is a portfolio investment strategy that tries to protect pedapatan through securities which have a duration equal to the holding period of the diharpkan prospective investors (Rose, 2000:293). Bodi, Kane, Marcus (2000.471) explains that the strategies or tactics used by some investors to protect the portfolio from the ups and downs in interest rates. Based on the above two concepts can be concluded bahwaimunisasi portfolio is a strategy that investors do to protect the value of securities that are expected from exposure to changes in interest rates by equating the duration of the portfolio and holding period of the diharpkan from prospective investors.
3. Research methods
The population in this research is that corporate bonds are traded in the Indonesian capital market and listed on the Surabaya Stock Exchange period 2 January to 29 December 2003 with a total population of bonds 182. The research sample criteria include: berkupon bonds, fixed deposits with maturities of five years, actively traded, contains data on bond, coupon rate and maturity period, as well as having complete data for the calculation on five oktober2005 duration. This penyempelan technique using purposive sampling, which sampling techniques sempel which is based on certain criteria consistent with the objectives of research.
4. Discussion
Yield to Maturity (YTM) is the method of calculating income on the gain to investors if the value of coupons and save it until the term of the bonds at maturity. YTM of corporate bonds into the sample will be calculated based on the determination date is the date of 5 October 2005.
Length is the number of years required to repay the bonds on the basis of current cash flow calculation. In calculating the current cash flow each of the bonds, the YTM of the bonds is used as the discount rate. Modified Duration associated with an estimated percentage change in price due to changes in YTM. All Obtion free bonds have positive duration Modified, Modified Duration has an inverse relationship with percentage change in price because changes in YTM. This is a basic principle that the change in bond prices have an inverse relationship with interest rates. In this study, the sensitivity of bond prices bond yield to dilihatkan by this because it was in the Modified Duration penelitiaan used.
5. Cover
Conclusions of this study is the duration of which have the bonds in the sample pengguanan memilki average 2.20 years, with the shortest duration of 1.98 years and the longest duration of 2.43 years.
Driving patterns of corporate bond yield curve in Indonesia which is not considered a major cause of parallel immunization dapatdilakukan portfolio not bonds. The limitations of this study is on the immunization of single bonds with maturity of five years. In the period of research conducted only when the bond portfolio immunization drive yeard curve patterns are not parallel, so that the study was not done at the time of the driving pattern of parallel yield curve, in this study also have obligations to be fulfilled and the formation of bond portfolios.
As consideration for future research, researchers can focus on existing portfolio of bonds with maturities of bonds which have varied. Further research is also considered to simulate the mobilization of immunization at the time of a parallel yield curve. It can be used as a consideration and comparison of the effectiveness pengguanan method for immunization portfolio duration at a parallel yield curve. Establishment of bond portfolios can be used to fulfill obligations such as pension funds and insurance installments.
Imunisasi Portofolio Obligasi Dengan Metode Durasi
Yeti Widayanti
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
1. Pendahuluan
Investasi secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai konsumsi yang ditunda sementara waktu dan akan di konsumsi lebih besar di masa mendatang ( manurung, 2003:xvii ). Investasi dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai media investasi,seperti pasar uang,pasarmodal,perusahaan reksadana dan perusahaan-perusahaan investasi lainnya. Investasi pada pasar modal sudah mulai dikenal dan dipahami masyarakat
Obligasi(Hanafi, 2005:469). Merupakan instrumen
Penelitian melalui obligas, khususnya mengenai pengukuran durasi untuk membentuk obligasi yang imun (kebal) terhadap tingkat suku bunga di
2. Kajian Literatur
Konsep-konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari durasi obligasi dan imunisasi portofolio. Federick Macaulay ( Rose, 2000) menyatakan bahwa durasi adalah rata-rata tertimbang waktu jatuh tempo dari arus kas yg dijanjikan oleh obligasi. Imunisasi portofolio adalah strategi investasi yang mencoba untuk melindungi pedapatan yang melalui
3. Metode penelitian
Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah obligasi korporasi yang diperdagangkan di pasar modal indonesia dan terdaftar di Bursa Efek Surabaya periode 2 Januari sampai 29 desember 2003 dengan jumlah populasi 182 obligasi. Sampel penelitian dengan kriteria antara lain : obligasi berkupon tetap, memiliki jatuh tempo
4. Pembahasan
Yield to Maturity (YTM) adalah metode penghitungan penghasilan yang di peroleh para investor jika kupon dan nilai obligasi di simpan sampai jangka jatuh tempo. YTM obligasi korporasi yang menjadi sampel akan dihitung berdasarkan tanggal penetapan yaitu tanggal 5 oktober 2005.
Durasi adalah jumlah tahun yang dibutuhkan untuk melunasi obligasi dengan dasar perhitungan aliran kasnya saat ini. Dalam menghitung aliran kas saat ini masing-masing obligasi, YTM obligasi digunakan sebagai discount rate. Modified Duration berhubungan dengan perkiraan persentasi perubahan harga yang disebabkan perubahan YTM. Semua Obtion free bond memiliki Modified duration positif,Modified Duration memiliki hubungan yang terbalik dengan persentase perubahan harga karna perubahan YTM. Hal ini adalah menjadi prinsip dasar bahwa perubahan harga obligasi memiliki hubungan yang terbalik dengan tingkat suku bunga. Dalam penelitian ini, sensitivitas harga obligasi terhadap yield obligasi ingin dilihatkan oleh karna itu dalam penelitiaan ini Modified Duration digunakan.
5. Penutup
Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah Durasi yang memilki obligasi dalam pengguanan sampel memilki rata-rata 2,20 tahun dengan durasi terpendek 1,98 tahun dan durasi terpanjang 2,43 tahun.
Pola penggerak yield curve obligasi korporasi di
Sebagai pertimbangan untuk penelitian mendatang peneliti dapat fokus ada portofolio obligasi dengan obligasi yang memilki jatuh tempo yang bervariasi. Dalam penelitian selanjutnya juga dipertimbangkan simulasi imunisasi pada saat penggerakan yield curve paralel. Hal ini dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan dan perbandingan efektifitas pengguanan metode durasi untuk imunisasi portofolio pada saat yield curve paralel. Pembentukan portofolio obligasi dapat digunakan untuk pemenuhan kewajiban misalnya pada saat dana pensiun dan angsuran asuransi.